Diana and Puppies Janessa and Angelo Kali and Sophie Momma Kali Kali Momma Diana Momma Isabel as a pup Isabel Isabel Janessa, Popeye, Angelo Kristie and Janessa with puppies Oh, so pregnant Sissy Funan Josie Pregnant Diana Diana, ears up! Poppa Duke Duke Too much likker! Duke Dutchess’ orphan puppies Sometimes feeding 3 at once Dutchess with puppies Isabel Isabel Layla Janessa and Lola Pups in a Tub! Janessa and R. Baxter Coy Lola Jazzy’s puppies Maxine Puppy gruel Marshall Sissy Pups Tyson Momma Sophie Sophie Sophie Poppa Thurman Thurman Momma Zena Zena Who you lookin’ at? Zena Zena and Puppies